“It Has Nothing To Do With Luck”

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

A Reply from the Heart

A young mother sat to catch her breath at the shopping mall. Her three children sat quietly beside her, waiting to move on, whilst another mother, struggling with her children’s unruly behaviour in public, said to the first woman in a huff, “You’re lucky! Your kids as so well-behaved!”

Knowing the rigours that all mums face with their children, the young mum replied, “It has nothing to do with luck!”

When that young mother told me this story, she started to relay how challenging it is to raise her children in God’s ways, in our society.

Her kids were no better than any other children in her town and she was an ordinary mum doing her best to raise her children in God’s ways.

This brief exchange between those two mothers highlighted to me the importance of being intentional with our parenting. I have often used that mother’s response, “It has nothing to do with luck!”

Parenting Goals

As home educators, we do not think that we are better than any other parents. However, we know that we are different from the norm. We are intentionally parenting our children toward specific goals.

One father told me his goals as a Christian parent. He and his wife wanted three key outcomes from their family’s home schooling. They are for their children to:

  1. Love the Lord and follow Him in life.
  2. Love and be obedient to their parents.
  3. Become productive in their community as they matured.

The dad stressed to me that their kids were not perfect and had their challenging moments, just like any family, however, he felt that they were on the right track and that he and his wife were getting better as they learned, over time.

Having goals as parents is a great idea! You have seen how goal-setting works with your children’s PACE work. They set goals in maths, science etc. and keep on track, progressing with their learning. So, why not set a few goals with our parenting?

Whilst setting goals is one thing, we must also have plans on HOW to reach them. For your children’s goal-setting, they have PACEs and subjects to work on and they have a set time, routine and a place to work in. For parenting we also can have strategies as to HOW we raise our children.

Some strategies may include:

  • Allocating chores
  • Setting certain routines
  • Earned pocket money
  • Cultivating and encouraging good manners
  • Doing a service for a neighbour
  • Conversation starters at family meals
  • Learning to pray
  • Bible reading/discussion after dinner
  • Limited TV
  • Etc. Etc. Etc.

Let’s Hear Your Ideas

In ACHS we have many creative parents who have GREAT IDEAS and TIPS which they use as they raise their children.


You may also want to share a strategy that didn’t work out the way that you had hoped.

Please send your thoughts and tips to us via:

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on strategies and “How Tos” and “How Not Tos”.

Have a great final term 4 for the 2019 academic year!

Yours for Christ and Christian home education,


Terry Harding



Changes to Curriculum Order Pick-ups

We have been advised by our curriculum distributor that as of the 1st of October, our customers will no longer have the option to collect orders from the warehouse. All orders placed for curriculum will require a delivery address, and will incur a postage fee.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, and hope that we can continue to serve you on your home educating journey.

Welcome to our Newest Staff Member

ACHS would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest staff member, Mrs. Karen Kim. Karen has kindly shared a little bit about herself below.

  1. How long have you been working at ACHS?
    I have been working with ACHS for about 2 and a half months now. I’ve really enjoyed speaking with some of you on the phone and getting to know you a little bit.
  2. Where were you born, and where did you grow up?
    I was born in a small country town just north of Melbourne before my parents relocated our family to the beautiful Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Then eventually I found myself in Seoul, South Korea for the past 14 years before returning to Australia and starting with ACHS.
  3. Do you have a family?
    I do. My husband and I have a gorgeous and energetic 5 year old son. I claim he gets his good looks from his Dad and his Dad claims he gets his energy and personality from me.
  4. What hobbies do you pursue outside of the office?
    When I am not at work, you will probably find me at the gym, the shops, or sitting on the livingroom floor building things or playing card games with my son and husband. My husband is Korean so I also enjoy cooking and eating different kinds of Korean food and maintaining my Korean language skills to keep up with my son and husband’s Korean conversations.
  5. What experience and expertise do you bring to ACHS?
    I have experience teaching ESL overseas as well as working in counseling and pastoral care for expatriates with a special interest in expatriate parenting. For this reason I love encouraging our families in their different journeys and adventures. Life is rarely ever a direct journey from A to B but what you discover along the way to getting there can be so rewarding.
  6. Why do you see Home Schooling as important?
    There are many relational benefits to homeschooling as it gives parents the flexibility to really do life with their children. It is also such an incredible opportunity to mentor and disciple. Especially for those students who might otherwise fall through the cracks of traditional education, it gives them an opportunity to thrive.
  7. What is one word of encouragement you might have for our families?
    2 Corinthians 12:9 New International Version (NIV)
    9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

    Parenting guilt is so real. We rarely feel like we are doing enough or doing it well, but we forget that, that’s kind of the point of grace. God wants to partner with us and if we were completely able to do it all in our own strength we would convince ourselves that we don’t need him. God’s desire to partner with and work through us is true in every area of our lives, but especially when raising the next generation. You got this, because he’s got you!

Finishing Well

We are now heading into Term 4. Christmas is on the way (So soon? Ouch!!).

Encourage your children to finish the 2019 academic year well. Here are some tips:

  • Make sure that they are setting their goals so that they will finish their PACEs by the end of term. Help them in their goal setting if they are unsure.
  • Don’t start a new PACE in mid-December unless you are sure that your child is able to finish it in time.
  • Prepare to have a special dinner at the end of term 4 to celebrate your children’s and your achievements.
  • Make a clear list of what (i) each child, (ii) each parent and (iii) the family as a whole has achieved this year.
  • Make sure that you can have a real holiday, by finishing your home schooling well.

Christianity has been committed to naming and celebrating achievements (see the feasts in the Old Testament, the Psalms and the Lord’s Supper. So, don’t forget to celebrate your 2019 academic year.


We use spoken and written words every single day to communicate ideas, thoughts, and emotions to those around us. Sometimes we communicate successfully, and sometimes we’re not quite so successful. A good vocabulary can help us say what we mean. Here are some new words to add to your student’s vocabulary.

moisture (noun)  Wetness caused by water
myth (noun)  A legend; a fable
neglect (verb)  To disregard, ignore, pay little or no attention to
courtesy (noun)  Polite behaviour; act of civility or respect
deplete (verb)  Decrease the fullness of; use up; empty out


Welcome to our new bi-monthly newsletter article about all things Secondary Schooling. Our fantastic teacher Mr Nathan Roberts will share different insights and helpful information relating specifically to those difficult years we all know as high school. This month he talks about the importance of the Yr 12 Certificate.

Did you know that There is a clear link between getting a Year 12 certificate (or equivalent qualification) and improved social and economic outcomes for young people? Young people who complete school and get their Year 12 certificate (or equivalent vocational qualification) are more likely to complete further study or training, get a job, have significantly higher wages and be better prepared for future challenges. (

Here at ACHS, we want all our High school students to succeed and be able to be successful in their chosen vocation. We can help families with:

  • Career advice
  • Subject planning for all our Certificate levels
  • Post schooling pathway planning
  • University entrance preparation
  • Apprenticeships and TAFE support
  • Academic support for all subjects

We have also been informed that as of the 1st of October, Changes are being Made to the ACE year 12 Certificate. As the year begins coming to a close, now would be a great time to contact ACHS if you are planning to begin your year 12 Pathway next year. You can either call the office on 07 3384 2300 or email me on

This will become a regular item in the newsletter, sharing tips, information on pathways and certificate updates, so if you have a child coming up to PACES 1085 or already working on a Certificate pathway, remember to look out for “High School Matters” in future newsletters.


Who will tell the Children about Jesus?


“One generation shall praise Your works to another, And shall declare Your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:4

We know that many children under the age of 15 years have left the church. We also know that Australian teens and young adults leave their faith each year, being “brain-muddied” by atheistic media, teachers and lecturers etc.

The attack on Christianity and religion has never been stronger as atheists compete for the minds of our next generation. There is a concerted effort to remove the Christian values of our Australian way of life and to hide the history of how Christianity and the Judeo-Christian worldview has shaped Western Civilisation.

One group that is committed to helping children and families learn of the ways that Christianity has been an integral part of Australia’s story is the “diduno” group. Graham McDonald has spent years collecting stories about great Australian Christians and their interesting and sometimes weird stories.

Diduno stories include topics such as: Labour Day; ANZAC stories; our Twenty Dollar Note; Pearl Harbour; Myer Stores; Fairfax papers; NAIDOC; Safe Work Australia and many more topics that connect today’s children with our Christian history and heritage.

Graham has been a great friend of ACHS. He loves what we do. We invite you to connect with diduno. You can sign up for free and you will be able to access the many stories that Graham and the diduno writers have written in the past and they will send you a free Christian heritage story each month.

For those families who are wanting to show Australian Studies in their homeschooling state/territory registration applications, these stories fit well into the Australian Curriculum requirements for the Humanities And Social Sciences (HASS), which include history, geography, civics etc.

If you want to access these great resources (GREAT FOR DINNER TABLE DISCUSSIONS) GO and sign up to receive a free Christian heritage story each month.

Diduno is endorsed by Professor Stuart Piggin, Honorary Associate Professor of History at Macquarie University, NSW. Stuart is one of Australia’s best historians when it comes to Christianity’s influence in shaping Australia’s society. Professor Piggin has written books on this topic if you are interested.

Graham McDonald says that these stories take a few minutes to read and give you plenty of interesting thoughts for a five minute historical chat each month.

Home Schooling - What in the World is Going On? - Dr Bryan Ray

Dr. Ray is the world’s leading researcher for home schooling. Terry Harding, our manager, knows him well, has stayed in his home in Oregon, USA and recommends Brian’s video talk to us all.

Dr. Ray gives the audience a one-two punch of Biblical philosophy/theology and research in support of why Christians should home school their children. He gives examples of the degradation of what is in State/government/public schools in the USA, coming from the top down from university professors and others.

We know that this degradation is mirrored in Australian society and our educational institutions and exists in most of the Western world.

Brian also gives a scriptural two-question test: (1) Who should be teaching, training, and indoctrinating your children all day, Monday through Friday?, and (2) Who should not be teaching, training, and indoctrinating your children?

Next he cites the research findings, and that they are secondary in importance to the answers to the two questions. Finally, Brian gives a pithy, pointed challenge to anyone professing Christ.

This video will encourage you in your high and holy calling to educate your children at home. Please feel free to pass this video link on to your friends and relatives. Click on the video below to see the talk in full.

Scripture Memory

At the start of lessons every morning, have your children read aloud, with you, the Monthly Scripture Memory Passage. Have them read either from their Bibles or from a printed sheet. Adjust the size of the passage to fit your child’s age and skill level. This exercise should only take a minute or so.

After a single, aloud reading every day for a month, your child may have memorised the passage. If not, they may need some dedicated time to practice e.g. at night after dinner etc.

When your child can say the Scripture passage to you by heart, record this on your Supervisor’s progress card and the Monthly Attendance Sheet. Put a Bible sticker on their Star Chart and don’t forget to give them a reward for this important achievement.

You are free to use any version of the Bible for this activity. You may wish to download an electronic version of the Bible, for printing the Scripture passages for your child to learn, or you may click on the passages below for a printable version.

Trading Post

Trading post will continue to be a place where you can connect with other families, who might be looking for 2nd hand score keys or resource materials. You may email us here at ACHS with your advertisements, and we will endeavour to list as many as we are able. When sending us items to be listed for sale, please follow these important guides:

  1. Used PACEs and PACE tests are NOT ALLOWED to be resold. Only used score keys and resource materials such as literature books may be advertised through the trading post.
  2. Ensure that you provide accurate contact details. The ACHS office does not manage the transactions listed in the trading post. If you would like people to buy your items, provide them with the best way to get in contact with you.
  3. When listing your items, list them clearly and accurately.
    1. Maths SK 1037-39, 1040-42, and so on.
    2. English SK 1037-39, 1040-42, and so on.
  4. It would also be advisable if you are able to identify if the Score Keys are edition 3 or 4. As there may be differences in content between editions 3 and 4, it will assist you in finding a buyer.

SCORE KEYS For Sale: $2.00 Each

Contact - Kate on 0420 929 006 or

(Postage Paid by Buyer)

S/STUDIES: 100-102 (Brand New)



Contact - Kate on 0420 929 006 or

(Postage Paid by Buyer)

Summer Fun with Ace and Christi

Choice Stories for Children

Attendance Sheets

Keeping a record of your children’s attendance to their learning is an integral part of the procedure here at ACHS. Not only does it form part of your record keeping requirements for your homeschool registration, but it helps us see an overall picture of how the students are working. You may download the attendance sheets for August through October here:

October Attendance Sheet

November Attendance Sheet

December Attendance Sheet

2019 Attendance Sheets (Full Year)
