Dear Friends,
We are nearly at the end of the first term for 2019! Amid all of your busyness with home education, coupled with life’s demands in general, I would like take a few moments to share with you two important issues which will assist you as you educate your children at home.
The Mandate to Teach Your Children
Parents are to Teach
The Bible gives parents God’s mandate to teach their children. Deuteronomy 6:5-7 is part of a passage of Scripture that has helped to preserve the nation of Israel as a cohesive community of strong families, for thousands of years. It explains the powerful secret of parents directly educating their children.
This passage really commences in verse 4 with the command to“hear”, to pay attention to, that is, to listen to what comes next. So, it would do us well to pay attention to what this special message from God to parents is.
I have made some comments on video about this passage’s instruction as to:
- What should be the attitude of the parent – loving God
- What should be the focus of the teaching – God’s Word and His ways and
- When should parents be doing the teaching – throughout the day
- The importance of your child’s overall development
Please watch the video below called “Teaching Your Children.”
The Three Dimensions of Learning
The Bible also refers to the three key elements of learning. As a home schooling parent, it is important for you to understand what these three elements are and how they work in your child’s education.
I would like to refer you to another short video which will explain these dimensions of learning.
Please watch the video below called “Wisdom.”
I trust that these videos have encouraged you to consider yet again, the powerful reality of what you are accomplishing as you educate your children at home ,and to explore further, the various ways that you may go about doing it.
Yours for Christ and Christian home education,
Terry Harding
Parent Survey
What a fantastic response we have received to our parent survey! The information we are receiving is proving invaluable as we plan ahead. Remember, there is still time to submit your responses, and we encourage you to do so. We are taking all suggestions on board, and looking at how we can accommodate as many different preferences as possible. To help us out though, we have listed a few things below:
- A few of our respondents have replied with some very specific needs. As we have made the Parent Survey anonymous, this means we are unable to follow up these requests with you. If you have any specific concerns, please contact the staff at ACHS and we will be more than happy to assist you.
- One of the key pictures that has emerged from the survey responses, is a strong desire for our families to be more connected with each other. Whether that be through Camps, Awards Nights, Activity Days or excursions, the desire for us to gather and fellowship together is evident. As you can imagine, it can be difficult for us to accommodate all of these requests from our little office in QLD, but we are looking at all options. To this end, we have created another small survey that will help us to flesh out some of the key questions around running an event for our ACHS members. We will be emailing this out to families in the next 2 weeks.
ACHS Online Update
In our last newsletter made mention of a new online PACE enhancement website that is coming. Currently our IT department is working on some issues with regards to our students being able to log in, but as soon as this is resolved we will send out communication to all families on how to access this and what levels are available.
Some families with previous access to our old website, Schoology, have informed us that they have been able to still access Schoology via We cannot confirm how this is working as our account with Schoology no longer exists, therefore we cannot guarantee or support this access. The original link now takes you to the login for the new website.
One feature of the new website we are excited about is the discussion page where parents, students and staff can interact and assist each other with learning experiences, questions or ideas.
Here is a little teaser of the new online enhancement website.
ACHS will keep you informed with any updates as they become available.
Careers Advice
Students who are in Years 10-12 should spend time now exploring career options, post-home schooling study pathways and opportunities that appeal to their interests. This will help your student to gain clarity about study and career pathways post-home schooling.
One of our schools, the Australian Christian College – Moreton has developed a website which contains a wealth of information on careers, work experience, school-based traineeships and apprenticeships and parent information. Please explore this website HERE.
Click on the “POST SCHOOL OPTIONS” tab to find the menu which covers areas such as university admission centres, uni open days and courses in all states, TAFE information, job/career information, apprenticeships, traineeships, defence etc. Other tabs on this page include valuable information for parents.
Also, please take advantage of the many career expos and university open days, which are run in all states and territories, throughout the year. Check your state’s tertiary admission centre website (listed below).
The following websites are also worth exploring for career information:
- Good Universities Guide website helps you find courses, explore careers, and search for scholarships at Australian universities, TAFEs and training colleges. Not Sure What You Want to Study? VisitGood Universities Guide, scroll down the page for an alphabetical list of career paths, explaining the types of jobs and different levels of study available. On the right is a list of TAFE/universities that offer relevant courses.
- myfuture website lets you search for VET courses, training opportunities, and providers across Australia. It does not take long to sign up for myfuture and this website provides a place to build your ‘Career Profile’ beginning with a career exploration quiz. There is also a section with ‘Career Bullseye’ posters. These have been around for a while but are still worth looking at to explore career pathways by selecting learning areas you enjoy. The posters are also available via accmcareers website. Select ‘For Students’, then ‘Career Targets’.
- myskills website provides information about VET and connects students and employers with training organisations across Australia.
- Check out the website of your state’s tertiary admission centre. They are QTAC, UAC, VTAC, SATAC, TISC, UTAS etc.
- Make sure that you are familiar with the many options of the university colleges (part of some universities), TAFE colleges and Institutes around Australia.
Accessing this information provides a useful guide, as you prayerfully consider with your student what the next step will be after home schooling.
ACHS - A Community that Spans the Globe
The above picture is a small snapshot of the Global ACHS Community. We serve hundreds of families in Australia, around the Asia/Pacific region and beyond. As home schoolers, it is a great learning opportunity for your children, to see that there are many other families around the world doing the same thing that you are.
Scripture Memory
At the start of lessons every morning, have your children read aloud, with you, the Monthly Scripture Memory Passage. Have them read either from their Bibles or from a printed sheet. Adjust the size of the passage to fit your child’s age and skill level. This exercise should only take a minute or so.
After a single, aloud reading every day for a month, you child may have memorised the passage. If not, they may need some dedicated time to practice e.g. at night after dinner etc.
When your child can say the Scripture passage to you by heart, record this on your Supervisor’s progress card and the Monthly Attendance Sheet. Put a Bible sticker on their Star Chart and don’t forget to give them a reward for this important achievement.
You are free to use any version of the Bible for this activity. You may wish to download an electronic version of the Bible, for printing the Scripture passages for your child to learn, or you may click on the passages below for a printable version.
Trading Post
Trading post will continue to be a place where you can connect with other families, who might be looking for 2nd hand score keys or resource materials. You may email us here at ACHS with your advertisements, and we will endeavour to list as many as we are able. When sending us items to be listed for sale, please follow these important guides:
- Used PACEs and PACE tests are NOT ALLOWED to be resold. Only used score keys and resource materials such as literature books may be advertised through the trading post.
- Ensure that you provide accurate contact details. The ACHS office does not manage the transactions listed in the trading post. If you would like people to buy your items, provide them with the best way to get in contact with you.
- When listing your items, list them clearly and accurately.
- Maths SK 1037-39, 1040-42, and so on.
- English SK 1037-39, 1040-42, and so on.
- It would also be advisable if you are able to identify if the Score Keys are edition 3 or 4. As there may be differences in content between editions 3 and 4, it will assist you in finding a buyer.
Attendance Sheets
Keeping a record of your children’s attendance to their learning is an integral part of the procedure here at ACHS. Not only does it form part of your record keeping requirements for your homeschool registration, but it helps us see an overall picture of how the students are working. You may download the attendance sheets for January through April here:
2019 Attendance Sheets (Full Year)
Job Vacancy - Victorian Home Educators
There is a job vacancy for someone with a BA in education and hopefully with home education experience in the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA).
It would be wonderful if an ACHS parent or ex-ACHS parent was appointed to that position.
The applications close on April 26. If you or if you know of anyone else interested in a job related to home education, who might suit this role, please consider either applying or pass this on to the relevant person.